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Uni Rugby Returns & Grants are Back!

Following on from last season and the £10,725 funding awarded across 28 clubs, the SRFU are delighted to once again be offering support to our members via the awarding of development grants. There are two distinct strands of support available for the 2021-22 academic year: Play & Learn.

PLAY focuses on the recreational/intra-mural offer across universities. We hope that by supporting university clubs to engage players into the game for the first time or welcome them back after a period away, more students will be able to enjoy all that university rugby has to offer on and off the pitch.

LEARN focuses on supporting the development and sustainability of the university rugby workforce. This year’s grant will support university staff and students to attend RFU courses for coaches, officials and first aiders.

Katy Young, SRFU Club Development Rep said “The SRFU are delighted to be opening the grants process to members so that we can support them in welcoming more students to the game we know and love. We have listened to what our members have told us they needed to develop and offer the best experience possible to their students, focusing the grants on 2 key strands – PLAY and LEARN. Our members demonstrated innovation and commitment over the last 18 months in engaging their members – these grants will help them build on their great work.”

The grants open on Monday 13th September, full details can be found on our website

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