Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Students’ RFU will be held virtually, via Zoom, on Thursday 1st July 2021 (3.30pm – 4.30pm)
For your information the Trustees of the SRFU at the moment are as follows: Messrs RA Reeves, M Hyndman, PJ Attwell, P Mooney, SR Wade, P De Glanville and PM Craig.
The Officers are:
President, RA Reeves
Vice president, P Mooney
Chairman, M Hyndman
Hon Secretary, PM Craig
Hon Treasurer, S Wade
In addition, the Trustee Board will be seeking to appoint 2 new Trustee’s to the Students’ RFU at the 2021 AGM. These positions are:
Student Representative
Female Game Representative
The Students’ Rugby Football Union Representatives on RFU Council:
Messrs PJ Attwell and P De Glanville
All the above are willing to stand for a further year and are being recommended to the Member Universities by the Students’ RFU Trustee Board. Should any of you wish to nominate anyone for one of the Officer posts you may do so in writing or by e-mail to ensuring that anyone you are proposing is prepared to stand and also properly seconded.
Yours faithfully
PM Craig
Hon. Secretary, Students’ Rugby Football Union